each training product on our scope is validated


As an Registered Training Orgainsation each training product on our scope is validated at least once every five years, with at least 50 per cent of products validated within the first three years of each five-year cycle, taking into account the relative risks of all of the training products on our scope of registration.
Australian Operator Training has a Validation Schedule to comply with this requirement and is stated below.

Validation Schedule:
Course Code | Course Name | Date |
AHC20122 | Certificate II in Agriculture | Jul-24 |
AHC21216 | Certificate II in Rural Operations | Oct-24 |
AHC30122 | Certificate III in Agriculture | Jan-25 |
AHC32822 | Certificate III in Rural Operations | Apr-25 |
AHC33316 | Certificate III in Feedlot Operations | Jul-25 |
BSB40520 | Certificate IV in Leadership and Management | Oct-25 |
CPP20218 | Certificate II in Security Operations | Jan-26 |
FSK10219 | Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways | Apr-26 |
MSM30116 | Certificate III in Process Manufacturing | Jul-26 |
PMA30120 | Certificate III in Process Plant Operations | Oct-26 |
RII20120 | Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation | Jan-27 |
RII20220 | Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations | Apr-27 |
RII20520 | Certificate II in Resource Processing | Jul-27 |
RII20920 | Certificate II in Drilling Operations | Oct-27 |
RII30120 | Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations | Jan-28 |
RII30420 | Certificate III in Resource Processing | Apr-28 |
RII30520 | Certificate III in Mining Exploration | Jul-28 |
RII30820 | Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations | Oct-28 |
RII30920 | Certificate III in Civil Construction | Jan-29 |
RII31820 | Certificate III in Drilling Operations | Apr-29 |
RII40220 | Certificate IV in Surface Coal Mining (Open Cut Examiner) | Jul-29 |
RII40920 | Certificate IV in Drilling Operations | Oct-29 |
RII41120 | Certificate IV in Drilling Oil & Gas (Onshore) | Jan-30 |
RII41522 | Certificate IV in Autonomous Control and Remote Operations | Apr-30 |
RII50120 | Diploma of Surface Operations Management | Jul-30 |
SIT30622 | Certificate III in Hospitality | Oct-30 |
SIT30821 | Certificate III in Commercial Cookery | Jan-31 |
TLI31222 | Certificate III in Driving Operations | Apr-31 |
Units of Competency
Course Code | Course Name | Date |
AHCBIO203 | Inspect and clean machinery, tools and equipment to preserve biosecurity | Jul-24 |
AHCBIO401 | Plan and implement a biosecurity program | Aug-24 |
AHCLSK303 | Carry out feedlot operations | Sep-24 |
AHCPCM205 | Fell small trees | Oct-24 |
AMPMGT511 | Manage feedlot facility | Nov-24 |
AURHTB005 | Analyse and evaluate faults in heavy commercial vehicle braking systems | Dec-24 |
AURHTJ103 | Remove, inspect and refit heavy vehicle wheel and tyre assemblies | Jan-25 |
AURHTJ106 | Remove, inspect, repair and refit heavy vehicle tyres and tubes | Feb-25 |
AURKTB002 | Analyse and evaluate faults in wheeled mobile plant braking systems | Mar-25 |
AURKTJ011 | Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road tyres | Apr-25 |
AURKTJ012 | Remove, inspect and fit earthmoving and off-the-road wheel and rim assemblies | May-25 |
AURKTJ016 | Use earthmoving and off-the-road tyre handlers | Jun-25 |
AURLTB002 | Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle braking systems | Jul-25 |
AURLTJ102 | Remove, inspect, repair and refit light vehicle tyres and tubes | Aug-25 |
AURLTJ113 | Remove, inspect and refit light vehicle wheel and tyre assemblies | Sep-25 |
CPCCLDG3001 | Licence to perform dogging | Oct-25 |
CPCCLRG3001 | Licence to perform rigging basic level | Nov-25 |
CPCCLRG3002 | Licence to perform rigging intermediate level | Dec-25 |
CPCCLRG4001 | Licence to perform rigging advanced level | Jan-26 |
CPCCLSF2001 | Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding basic level | Feb-26 |
CPCCLSF3001 | Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding intermediate level | Mar-26 |
CPCCLSF4001 | Licence to erect, alter and dismantle scaffolding advanced level | Apr-26 |
CPCWHS1001 | Prepare to work safely in the construction industry | May-26 |
FWPCOT2254 | Maintain chainsaws | Jun-26 |
FWPCOT2259 | Cut materials with a hand-held chainsaw | Jul-26 |
FWPCOT2273 | Trim and cut felled trees | Aug-26 |
FWPCOT2275 | Fell trees manually (basic) | Sep-26 |
FWPCOT3301 | Trim trees using a pole saw | Oct-26 |
FWPCOT3350 | Fell trees manually (intermediate) | Nov-26 |
FWPCOT3351 | Fell trees manually (advanced) | Dec-26 |
HLTAID009 | Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation | Jan-27 |
HLTAID010 | Provide basic emergency life support | Feb-27 |
HLTAID011 | Provide First Aid | Mar-27 |
HLTAID012 | Provide First Aid in an education and care setting | Apr-27 |
HLTAID014 | Provide Advanced First Aid | May-27 |
HLTAID015 | Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy | Jun-27 |
HLTPAT005 | Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing | Jul-27 |
MSMSUP205 | Transfer loads | Aug-27 |
MSMWJ202 | Use high pressure water jetting equipment | Sep-27 |
MSMWJ304 | Operate a high pressure water jetting system | Oct-27 |
MSMWJ305 | Operate a drain cleaning system | Nov-27 |
MSMWJ306 | Operate a vacuum loading system | Dec-27 |
MSMWJ307 | Operate a hydro excavation system | Jan-28 |
PMASUP236 | Operate vehicles in the field | Feb-28 |
PUAEME008 | Provide pain management | Mar-28 |
PUAFER001 | Identify, prevent and report potential facility emergency situations | Apr-28 |
PUAFER002 | Ensure facility emergency prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented | May-28 |
PUAFER003 | Manage and monitor facility emergency procedures, equipment and other resources | Jun-28 |
PUAFER004 | Respond to facility emergencies | Jul-28 |
PUAFER005 | Operate as part of an emergency control organisation | Aug-28 |
PUAFER006 | Lead an emergency control organisation | Sep-28 |
PUAFER007 | Manage an emergency control organisation | Oct-28 |
PUAFER008 | Confine small emergencies in a facility | Nov-28 |
RIICCM303 | Conduct vacuum excavations | Dec-28 |
RIIENV301E | Conduct atmospheric monitoring | Jan-29 |
RIIERR203E | Escape from hazardous situations unaided | Feb-29 |
RIIPRO401D | Supervise processing operations | Mar-29 |
RIIRIS402E | Carry out the risk management process | Apr-29 |
RIIRIS601E | Establish and maintain risk management systems | May-29 |
RIISAM401E | Apply site plant, equipment and infrastructure maintenance management plans | Jun-29 |
RIIUND207E | Conduct underground lifting operations | Jul-29 |
RIIWHS401E | Supervise work in confined spaces | Aug-29 |
RIIWHS403E | Apply the work health and safety management system | Sep-29 |
RIIWHS601E | Establish and maintain the WHS management system | Oct-29 |
TLIF0020 | Safely access the rail corridor | Nov-29 |
TLILIC0004 | Licence to operate an order picking forklift truck | Dec-29 |
TLILIC0005 | Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) | Jan-30 |
TLILIC0011 | Licence to operate a reach stacker (greater than 3 tonnes capacity) | Feb-30 |
TLILIC0016 | Licence to operate a bridge and gantry crane | Mar-30 |
TLILIC0020 | Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (over 100 Tonnes) | Apr-30 |
TLILIC0021 | Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 100 Tonnes) | May-30 |
TLILIC0022 | Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 20 tonnes) | Jun-30 |
TLILIC0023 | Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 60 tonnes) | Jul-30 |
TLILIC0024 | Licence to operate a vehicle loading crane (capacity 10 metre tonnes and above) | Aug-30 |
TLILIC0040 | Licence to operate a non-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity) | Sep-30 |
TLIW0007 | Operate under track protection rules | Oct-30 |
UETDREL006 | Work safely in the vicinity of live electrical apparatus as a non-electrical worker | Nov-30 |
UETDRMP005 | Perform elevated work platform rescue | Dec-30 |
UETDRRF004 | Perform rescue from a live LV panel | Jan-31 |