RTO Partnering is a recognised alliance between an enterprise and a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with the express purpose of helping the enterprise deliver training outcomes to the highest quality, and aligned to nationally accredited and industry recognised competency standards. RTO Partnering is a robust and cost-effective business solution when an enterprise has the desire, need and capacity to delivery personalised training in ways, at times, locations and settings that suit their business. The benefits of this are that enterprises are never limited to external training providers dictating course schedules and often delivering training off-site, or at inconvenient locations.
It is costly and complex to start and manage a Registered Training Organisation, however we can offer you all of the advantages by working in partnership with Australian Operator Training. This RTO Partnership is an arrangement where we partner with you and we undertake all of the RTO-related work, allowing you to focus primarily on your core business goals.
An RTO Partnership with Australian Operator Training can offer a range of benefits to your business and the industry your business operates within. Through partnering arrangements, RTOs and enterprises develop flexible and innovative practices and products to meet the operational needs of the enterprise.
What differentiates Australian Operator Training from other RTOs is quality, not compromise, and we achieve this by:
- Providing a range of flexible and customised training solutions to achieve your business outcomes, by meeting the current and future demands of your clients.
- Offering a range of quality endorsed nationally accredited training outcomes, reinforced with our long-standing, exceptionally recognised industry reputation
- Allowing you to focus on your core business by removing the compliance, complexity and administration associated with the Vocational Education and Training system from your business
- Managing the complex course administration associated with training provision through the use of our highly innovative and fully integrated learner management and quality management systems
- Working closely with you to increase competitiveness and achieve the strategic goals of your business
- Identifying potential funding options for your business, as well as your learners.
With more than 20 years in the training industry, Australian Operator Training has a proven record of strong client focus. We recognise that sometimes the best people to train your employees are you, the employer. You know your job and your workplace better than anyone.
With this in mind, our aim is to develop the internal capability and capacity of your business, so you no longer have to rely upon external providers and assessors in order to meet your training and compliance requirements, as well as you strategic business objectives. Â
Today, this is made possible through an endorsed RTO Partnering arrangement with us. Through an RTO Partnering arrangement, Australian Operator Training also provides the structure that enables our corporate clients to apply for government funding and incentives that can off-set some, if not all, of the cost of their training.
Having been in the training industry for more than two decades, Australian Operator Training is in your best position to deliver a sustainable training solution for your business.
Approvals Process
Where a partnership is formed, the RTO is responsible for ensuring the quality of training delivery and assessment. In accordance with its’ quality assurance procedures Australian Operator Training works with your nominated in-house trainers and assessors to qualify them as ‘approved trainers’.
Issue of Recognised Qualifications
On receipt of notification from the approved on-site trainer that a learner has met the requirements of the nominated Unit of Competence in accordance with our quality procedures, Australian Operator Training issues an A4 sized Statement of Attainment and wallet card (if required).
Training Advocacy for On-site Trainers
Our partnering arrangements include a training advocacy service to approved on-site trainers, providing regular updates of changes within the VET sector that affect the partnering arrangements and direct access to AOT management for advice on training related issues.
Audit of Training and Assessment Conducted by Approved On-site Associates
Australian Operator Training as the RTO has the responsibility for assuring the quality of training and assessment conducted by all partner organisations. As such, we have set up systems and processes for monitoring and evaluating assessment methods, evidence requirements and assessment decisions regarding the occupational competence of learners. Australian Operator Training conducts regular on-site audits of approved on-site trainers operating under a partnering arrangement. These are ‘by arrangement’ with the partner organisation, to ensure there are no ‘surprises’ with regards to training compliance.
Some common questions:
Who is a partner?
Sole provider or organisation wishing to expand their existing business with a training program to align with nationally recognised training and who doesn’t want to become a RTO themselves.
What will I gain from a Partnership with Australian Operator Training
A partnership with us will allow you to:
Deliver nationally recognised training and qualifications to your employees and clients.
Be assured of the integrity and quality of the assessments your clients and employees receive.
Internally manage your in-house training programs rather than outsourcing the work.
Deliver training both on- and off-the-job, at times and places suited to your workplace and clients schedules.
Providing the workforce with pathways to further training and career development.
Delivering nationally accredited training ensures employees and clients have the skills and competencies required by industry.
How do I qualify to be an Australian Operator Training partner?
Australian Operator Training has an online application process.
Most importantly, you must have industry experience in what you wish to train, and hold the industry requirements for trainers and assessors including the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Do I need to hold any insurances?
Yes – Public liability and Workers compensation (if training employees)
Do I need to have an ABN number?
How does the student receive the certificate?
Upon the competent completion of training, Australian Operator Training will issue and send out the qualification or statement of attainment directly to the student.
Will you help me write the assessment?
Yes. Australian Operator Training can work in consultation with you to develop all assessment materials and ensure they meet the national standard for recognised training.
Alternatively, Australian Operator Training will validate your existing assessment materials or those that you have written yourself.
Do you have learning and assessment materials I can use?
Yes, we have a suite of generic resources that can be contextualised to meet your training needs.
What if I need a qualification that is not on Australian Operator Training’s scope?
We can work with you to extend Australian Operator Training’s scope of registration to cover your training requirements. There is an additional fee for this service.
What are the costs involved in a third party arrangement?
The costs of a Training Partnerships with Australian Operator Training is assessed on an individual basis, and are determined after consultation with you, and taking into account other factors such as:
Your expected number of students.
If you require the use of our training resources, or will you provide your own course materials
if you are requiring online delivery, will we have to adapt your resources for this medium
If your learning and assessment materials require mapping, development or improvement
If you are an RTO, a non-accredited organisation or an individual
If you need us to write or source the assessment materials for you
What type of Certification documents are to be awarded
All Partnership arrangements will attract an initial Sign-up fee of $500 to cover the administration of the compliance checks and trainer / assessor validation. Ongoing fees on a per-student or per-unit basis and also levied as well as a monitoring and compliance maintenance fee if required.
RTO Third Party Partnering Application
- The completion of the following information will assist Australian Operator Training in determining the suitability of entering into a third party arrangement with the enquiring organisation.
- Please click on the link to see our approved ASQA scope
- All fields are compulsory.