Risk Management G2
RIIRIS402E Carry out the Risk Management Processes Course or better known as ā€œG2ā€ covers the skills and knowledge required to Carry out the Risk Management Processes in the Coal and Metalliferous mining industries.

About the course

This competency is a statutory requirement according to mining legislation for certain occupational categories as deemed by the respective Mining Safety & Health Advisory Committees. Some mining companies have expanded which groups of people require this competency with some sites now requiring any person with a supervisory capacity to also hold this competency along with the Mining Supervisor S123.

This unit of competence supersedes the MNCG1002B ā€“ Implement and apply Risk Management Processes; commonly referred to as G2.

Course Outline

Course Outline
  • Respond to an emergency situation
  • Apply appropriate first aid procedures
  • Communicate details of the incident
  • Evaluate the incident and own performance
  • Asthma Management (Ventolin Inhaler) and Anaphylaxis Management (Adrenaline Epi-Pen)
  • Ensure safety for self, bystanders, and casualty
  • Seek assistance from emergency services
  • Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines
  • Provide first aid in accordance with established first aid principles
  • Manage the casualty in a respectful manner
  • Obtain consent from casualty where possible
  • use available resources and equipment to make the casualty as comfortable as possible
  • Operate first aid equipment according to manufacturersā€™ instructions
  • Monitor the condition of the casualty and respond in accordance with first aid principles
  • Accurately convey incident details to emergency services
  • Report details of incidents in line with appropriate workplace or site procedures
  • Complete applicable workplace or site documentation, including incident report form
  • Maintain privacy and confidentiality of information in line with statutory or organisational policies
  • Recognise the possible psychological impacts on self and other rescuers and seek help when required

Course Inclusions

  • Training will be conducted by one of our experienced trainer / assessors who have resource industry currency and supported by a strong knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations and industry standards.
  • Practical and theoretical activities drive the training experience to ensure that the training is engaging, interesting and relevant.
  • One 8-hour day of training. Up to 12 trainees per course. A typical course runs from 07:30-15:30
Participants must

Be at least 16 years of age


We supply all equipment necessary for you to undertake training.




Appropriate clothing, closed-in footwear.

National units of competency

RIIRIS402E Carry out the risk management processes.


Students who are assessed as competent will receive a Statement of Attainment recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework. This certification is nationally recognised. The Statement is issued by Australian Operator Training (RTO 41351).

$ 265.00 AUDĀ 

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
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