At Australian Operator Training we believe It is vital that students with disability are afforded the same opportunities, and access to educational and support services and resources, as their peers.
We undertake systematic monitoring and evaluation of our operations to ensure that learners with disability are supported, protected and treated fairly at all stages of the student journey.
To effectively support students with disability, Australian Operator Training uses leadership and practices to foster an inclusive culture where diversity is recognised.
We do this by implementing the following:
- providing access to course information in alternative formats to allow students to make informed decisions relevant to their learning.
- supporting disclosure of disability on enrolment forms
- providing students with clear information about learner requirements and supports available for students with disability, including any associated costs
- When planning a new course or developing teaching materials, we consider the potential needs of students with disability and ways to incorporate alternative learning and assessment strategies
- Consulting with students to identify learning patterns, support needs and barriers to completion which may require reasonable adjustments to be put in place, such as audio-recorded lectures, accessible classrooms, extensions for assessments, assistive technology.
We offer all students reasonable adjustments to participate in a course and use relevant facilities, regardless of disability.
Our policies and procedures comply with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005.
We also recognise the challenges faced by students with an imputed disability, that is, an undiagnosed disability which may have an impact on their learning.
Our staff are provided with professional development opportunities and regular training on disability awareness and protecting students with disability from discrimination, harassment and victimisation.