Certificate III in Agriculture

Course Overview
AHC30122 – Certificate III in Agriculture
This qualification describes the skills and knowledge for general job roles in agriculture including livestock production, cropping or in the case of mixed farming workplaces, both cropping and livestock. Job roles vary across different industry sectors and may include:
- Farm or station hand
- Farm or station worker
- Livestock transport driver.
Individuals with this qualification perform tasks under broad supervision involving a broad range of skills that are applied in a wide variety of contexts, which will involve discretion and judgement in selecting and operating equipment, coordinating resources and applying contingency measures during work.
To achieve this qualification, competency must be demonstrated in:
16 units of competency:
- 2 core units plus
- 14 elective units.
Elective units must ensure the integrity of the qualification’s Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) alignment and contribute to a valid, industry-supported vocational outcome. The electives are to be chosen as follows:
5 units must be from group A
5 units not already selected must be from groups A or B
the remaining 4 units must be selected from groups A, B, C or D, or any currently endorsed Training Package or accredited course
elective units from group D can only be selected where required as a prerequisite.
Course Outline
AHCWHS302Â Â Contribute to workplace health and safety processes
AHCWRK320Â Â Apply environmentally sustainable work practices
Group A
AHCAGB302Â Â Keep production records for a primary production business
AHCBIO303Â Â Apply biosecurity measures
AHCBUS301Â Â Use hand held e-business tools
AHCCHM304Â Â Transport and store chemicals
AHCCHM307Â Â Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
AHCINF306Â Â Plan and construct an electric fence
AHCINF307Â Â Plan and construct conventional fencing
AHCLSK324Â Â Care for and train working dogs
AHCLSK331Â Â Comply with industry animal welfare requirements
AHCMOM301Â Â Coordinate machinery and equipment maintenance and repair
AHCMOM302Â Â Perform machinery maintenance
AHCMOM304Â Â Operate machinery and equipment
AHCMOM305Â Â Operate specialised machinery and equipment
AHCPMG301Â Â Control weeds
AHCPMG302Â Â Control plant pests, diseases and disorders
AHCWRK212Â Â Work effectively in industry
AHCWRK213Â Â Participate in workplace communications
AHCWRK314Â Â Monitor weather conditions
AHCWRK315Â Â Respond to emergencies
AHCWRK317Â Â Coordinate work site activities
AHCWRK323Â Â Operate in isolated and remote situations
Group B
AHCLSK322Â Â Transport farm produce or bulk materials
AHCMOM201Â Â Operate two wheel motorbikes
AHCMOM202Â Â Operate tractors
AHCMOM206Â Â Conduct grader operations
AHCMOM207Â Â Conduct front-end loader operations
AHCMOM213Â Â Operate and maintain chainsaws
AHCMOM216 Â Â Operate side by side utility vehicles
AHCMOM217Â Â Operate quad bikes
AHCMOM303Â Â Operate a telehandler
AHCMOM307Â Â Operate a cane harvester
AHCMOM310Â Â Operate land-forming machinery and equipment
AHCMOM311Â Â Operate precision control technology
AHCMOM313Â Â Operate mobile irrigation machinery and equipment
AHCMOM314Â Â Transport machinery
AHCMOM315Â Â Operate chemical application machinery and equipment
AHCMOM316Â Â Refuel machinery or vehicle
AHCMOM317Â Â Operate tractors with attachments
AHCPER334Â Â Read and interpret property maps and plans
Group C
BSBINS201Â Â Process and maintain workplace information
CPPFES2005Â Â Demonstrate first attack firefighting equipment
FWPCOT3325Â Â Operate four wheel drive vehicle on unsealed roads
FWPCOT3329Â Â Perform complex four wheel drive operations
HLTAID011Â Â Provide First Aid
HLTAID013Â Â Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site
RIIHAN309FÂ Â Conduct telescopic materials handler operations
RIIMPO318FÂ Â Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations
RIIMPO319EÂ Â Conduct backhoe/loader operations
RIISAM203EÂ Â Use hand and power tools
RIISAM205EÂ Â Cut, weld and bend materials
RIIWHS202EÂ Â Enter and work in confined spaces
RIIWHS204EÂ Â Work safely at heights
TLIB0012Â Â Maintain and use hand tools
TLID0001Â Â Load and unload vehicles carrying special loads
TLID0002Â Â Care for livestock in transit
TLID3035Â Â Operate a boom type elevating work platform
TLIE0002Â Â Process workplace documentation
TLIE0008Â Â Calculate mass, area and quantify dimensions
TLIE3004Â Â Prepare workplace documents
TLIF2010Â Â Apply fatigue management strategies
TLIH0005Â Â Interpret road maps and navigate pre-determined routes
TLIH0006Â Â Plan and navigate routes
TLILIC0003Â Â Licence to operate a forklift truck
TLILIC2014Â Â Licence to drive a light rigid vehicle
TLILIC2015Â Â Licence to drive a medium rigid vehicle
TLILIC2016Â Â Licence to drive a heavy rigid vehicle
Course Inclusions
- Training will be conducted by one of our experienced trainer / assessors who have industry currency and supported by a strong knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations and industry standards.
- Practical and theoretical activities drive the training experience to ensure that the training is engaging, interesting and relevant.
- 12 months of training. Up to 12 trainees per course.
- Â
- Be at least 15 years of age
We supply all equipment necessary for you to undertake training in training centre
Certain training equipment may be required for some units, please contact us to discuss.
Appropriate clothing, closed-in footwear.
6 to 12 months
$4,500.00 pp for public courses.
For group bookings outside our public course schedule or at your location, please contact our office on 07 49822541